
Installing Salix Package In Slackware Using slapt-get

  • Posted on: 29 January 2017
  • By: admin

Salix is a Linux distribution derived from Slackware. In its official website, it is said that "...Salix is also fully backwards compatible with Slackware, so Slackware users can benefit from Salix repositories, which they can use as an "extra" quality source of software for their favorite distribution...". Because of that statement, I'm interested to install some Salix packages into my Slackware 14.1 64 bit system.

Starting and Stopping Service Manually In Slackware

  • Posted on: 28 August 2016
  • By: admin

Slackware has a very simple way to enable some system services to start automatically at system startup. As it said in the following documentation, Slackware is using BSD-style for its init system. All of the system initialization files are located at /etc/rc.d folder. When we want to enable a certain system service to start automatically, we just need to change the file mode into executable. For example, the Apache web server init file is rc.httpd.

Automate Your Slackbuild Using Sbotools

  • Posted on: 29 October 2015
  • By: admin

For Slackware users, installing package by compiling from source using slackbuild script is preferred than installing from binary packages. We can find a lot of slackbuild script at so we can easily search, download, compile, and install new application in our Slackware system. Some applications can be installed and run without need to install its dependencies, but some of them can have one or more dependencies.

Creating Archive By Right Clicking In Slackware Xcfe

  • Posted on: 4 October 2015
  • By: admin

This is my first tutorial about Linux, my favorite operating system. One of my favorite distribution is Slackware. For Slackware users, they might be very familiar with Xfce, the light and simple but great desktop environment, which always bundled in Slackware installer ISO. Although Slackware has KDE that really polished, I still like to use Xfce because of its simplicity and less memory usage than KDE. Now, let's see how to enable creating archive by right clicking in Slackware with Xcfe desktop.