Unfortunately this website is not active anymore because the owner decided not to do the domain renewal after two years published. The domain name had also been taken by another person. But you can still see the real first version of this website from some screenshots provided below. is an online shop that sells the traditional clothes from Indonesia that called Batik. Drupal and the Commerce module are the backbone of this website. But that doesn't mean that this website is made without any programming. Some modules must be developed from scratch such as the shipping and payment modules, because in Indonesia, there is no shiping services company that provides web services to be consumed by e-commerce applications. So, the store Administrator has to define the shipping services and cost for every cities in Indonesia in order to calculate the shipping cost in checkout process. And for the payment method, customer can choose to pay to which Bank account that previously defined by the store Administrator. If the checkout process is completed, an email about the payment instruction is sent to customer. If the customer has made a payment, she has to confirm it from a page called Order confirmation by filling Order ID, name, and message (if any).
Another unique feature of this website is the stock control feature. Each item in this website has stock which will be decreased after customer complete the checkout process. Customer can not buy a product more than its stock. And if there is a product with empty or zero stock, the Add to cart button will be disabled and the product can't be bought. It is true that this will cause problem whenever there is an order that never confirmed and the status is never complete. The product's stock will never be reverted or increased again. So, the solution is creating an automatic cancelation for the 24 hours unconfirmed order. After an order cancelation, the product's stock will be increased again.