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How Does PHP Session Work

  • Posted on: 5 December 2016
  • By: admin

The Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a stateless protocol. That means server just forget about you when your request is served and the connection between server and client is immediately closed after that. For example, when you made a request for page a.html, the server send you the a.html. After that, you made second request for b.html. In that time, the server won't recognize that you are the one who previously request a.html.


Machine Learning: Classify Gender By Name using Django and NLTK

  • Posted on: 19 November 2016
  • By: admin

Machine learning is one of the current hot topics in the IT world. The huge growth of data and the increase of computing power may be the best supporting factors which lead to the current condition. Besides the good trend, machine learning is very interesting for me personally. So, I try to find some information about it and that leads me to Python and its NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) library. The last time I use Python is about two years ago when I learn about Django, the web development framework for Python.

Drupal 8 Table With Sortable Column And Pagination

  • Posted on: 11 September 2016
  • By: admin

In Drupal 8 module development, we can easily create a table with pager. The code might be different from the one we use in Drupal 7, but it's still quite simple. I assume you have already learned to create a simple Drupal 8 "Hello World!" module as explained in there. So, let's start to create the table with pager. For example, we have a routing file, mydemo.routing.yml like the following.

Starting and Stopping Service Manually In Slackware

  • Posted on: 28 August 2016
  • By: admin

Slackware has a very simple way to enable some system services to start automatically at system startup. As it said in the following documentation, Slackware is using BSD-style for its init system. All of the system initialization files are located at /etc/rc.d folder. When we want to enable a certain system service to start automatically, we just need to change the file mode into executable. For example, the Apache web server init file is rc.httpd.
